Our Business Culture and it’s Relevance to Delivery

Virtus is immersed in a business culture where communication, knowledge sharing and teamwork is of critical importance to sustaining and developing future business.

This same culture coalesces around the services that we offer funding organisations; we offer a complete package for clients, designed to address all of their requirements in safeguarding their lending and commercial return, whilst seeking to pro-actively advise the lender (and indirectly, the borrower) of opportunities to strengthen their commercial position.

The core of our strategy lies with Virtus having representatives from Project Management, Cost Management and Contract and Programming Specialists, providing high quality consultancy services founded on the following principles:

Understanding the Clients’ Needs

Through understanding your organisation and the various stakeholders, we are able to provide total project advice focusing on whole life issues, in addition to capital cost of the development.

Early Appraisal of the Project

Our philosophy is to quickly grasp the goals of the project and understand the factors affecting it. Close working relationships and partnering with the Client and other members of the professional team at the outset of a project help us to provide the most effective advice. Early implementation of management and control procedures will promote the team’s awareness of the need to deliver within budget and to programme throughout the duration of the project to ensure best value solution.

A Comprehensive Range of Services

Implementation of proven procedures, reflecting the industry best practice, which maintain control are vital to the success of a project. However, these procedures can never be the substitute for a quality team of qualified professionals. We will fully commit high calibre professional staff with extensive experience of similar projects to our appointment and adopt a “partnering” approach with the Client team.